Hello Everyone (✿◡‿◡).
So, it's January 2025. An entire new year has begun. If not for the current politics, it would almost feel like it was still last year. Regardless of my current life stressors, I'm determined to keep a chin up. My intentions for this year is a large part of that atempt. That said, did you miss it?
A few days ago, I sent a newsletter out to all the ADM Fam and anyone on the list that might have been interested. The photo you see here is the first page. Cool, right? Just be aware, this is not a monthly newsletter. In fact, you'll only see similar content bi or tri-monthly as things currently stand.
There's a lot on my plate at the moment, so this is all I can reasonably offer you. But, you never know, maybe I can do it once a month when I knock some of the other pressing matters off my list. It's definitely a thought, but unfortunately I can't promise it. If you missed it but you're interested, be sure to sign up as a member (it's FREE as always), or send a message via the contact page so you'll recieve the next one. You can even request previous issues of the newsletter if you're joining in late so don't be shy. There were over 200 of you this round! Perhaps a few will be officially joining the family this year?
What kind of updates can you expect this year (not an all-inclusive list)?
More FREE short stories on the blog
Books added to the BR (book review) page
At least two more books by Alexia hitting the shelves and the shop
New LP2T episodes (the page is currently being worked on and will return soon)!
What do you think? Is this enough to keep your chin up? That's all for me today folks. Thank you for sticking around and see you real soon!!