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This book is proof that the author is a wonderful storyteller.

We restart the story with beloved characters. We also are introduced to numerous new characters which mo
ve the story along. It is easy to see ourselves in the characters. We may see similar battles in the characters that we see in ourselves.--There are people, like these character{s}, who care and will go to war for you


This book will answer many questions raised in book one and will leave you with many new question{s}.

The wait for book three will be brutal.



#Crystal #Storm was a{n} #EXCELLENT second book!
Not a #SINGLE page of regret.
These chapters were #LIFE!

I'm #Obsessed with the depth and dialogue that keeps the chapters rolling. Everyone is so sarcastic and funny in different ways. You can't help but get #comfortable with the characters and #feel their emotions. The #descriptions were just as good, if not #BETTER than last time.



I loved it, Alexia is a talented writer. Intrigued, well written, and a delight to read. I love the artwork too.



I feel my review would be lacking if I didn't say that this was a wonderful read. --It's impossible not to feel more ensnared as you continue to read about each character and the wor{l}ds they live in and visit. The dynamics, complexities of each character shows just how much thought and consideration the author put into making them come alive.  BONUS COMMENT  I LOVE  ossetts.

~Tiffany H.



**Note: All reviews mentioned above come from multiple sources and are incomplete. Most notably, via Amazon, Google Play Books, and Goodreads. Please find the full review(s) there.**

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